Thursday 20 May 2010

tail spin

so many things that this drink's name could describe . . . the markets . . . the state of the earth . . . the state of my prospects as an interest rate trader in a year's time . . . american politics . . . world politics . . . hmmm. will have to keep this in mind for armageddon.

how would i describe life these days? well, i've had better years than 2010, but i wouldn't say i'm in a full on tail spin. but if there was a drink that could be called that, i'd describe it as cool sweet booze to enjoy in distressing moments. the green chartreuse / sweet vermouth keeps it light, but the finish on the the bitter side. unbelievably nice, the dash of campari with the lemon touches the taste buds in a provocative way. how appropriate for a drink encapsulating a declining situation.

tail spin -
2 gin
3/4 sweet vermouth
3/4 green chartreuse
dash of campari (maybe 1tsp?)
stir, serve up, garnish lemon twist


p.s. yes i know my glassware requires help. baby steps . . .

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